We chase for getting certain things from a relationship ... but later on ... realising we've became addicted to those things ... we get so annoyed that into the end ... we try to totally destroy all ... by the well known romanian author Adrian Dumitru

Men dream a lot about .... sex.

Women ... about sexuality.

Most probably we live with the illusion that men are more interested about sex than women ... but i believe we don't really know the whole story.

You see ... for man counts a lot ... the numbers.

Yes ... we are hunters ... and we need more and more "victims".

And it's not that the woman is not interested in "victims" ... adoring to dominate all into the relationship ... but i trend to believe that she is more focused on the quality of the sexual act.

Unfortunately ... statistics say that the whole story about sex


lasts between 2 and 7 minutes ... which for men is many times enough ... but only few women can accept something like that.

And again ... living into a world dominated by duality ... we realise one more time that we actually have contradictory perceptions ... but having no idea why.

So ... man believes all is ok ... and a sexual act between 2 and 7 minutes is absolutely normal ... but the woman just hates ... that normality.

Later on ... all becomes obviously ... seeing that the whole dynamic of the relationship change into worst ... and worst.

But ... of course .... we pretend we have absolutely no idea why.

Actually ... both .... the man and the woman .... tries to hide the real truth ... that normality is not really defining beautiful love stories.

Cause ... yes ... a sexual act between 2 to 7 minutes ... means just ... mediocrity.

The funny thing is that recently ... i've met a lady that really chased for an amazing sexual partner.

And ... the Universe arranged to have him.

Soon ... she understood that ... of course ... like in any other relationship that she had into her past ... not all was running well ...so she was actually not into the best relationship she could have.

But ... the sexual act lasted so long that she became addicted to him.

No matter how clearly she saw that she is not into the right story ... not even by far .... the addiction for the sex with 


him ... was not allowing her to leave.

So ... she remained imprisoned.

But more details she was giving me about their relationship ... more I've understood that she was doing all her best ... to manipulate him increasing the intensity of his sexual desire ... so that into the end ... just to go into that normality of 2-7 minutes ... and reconsider all ... as a mediocre sexual act.

But ... only having in mind ... the idea of destroying her addiction... and totally cut their connection so that she can get rid of him.

Looking at her ... i've dared to ask .... "If you hunted so, so much such a partner ... why you act so, so contradictory today and want to ruin all?!"

She smiled ... replying ... "I hate the bastard! I hate him! He induced me this addiction for our sexual life together ... making me his slave.

Now i want to leave the story ... but i just ... can't ... "

I've tried to understand this lady .... but all was much too difficult.

Maybe .... impossible...

I've continued enjoying my coffee into her company ... allowing her to talk more and more and more ... but realising i'll never understand the nonsense which is dominating the mind of the woman.

And ... indeed ... she was a nice company.


Download the book ”Mr & Mrs FREUD  

in love ... but still playing psychological games - 

philosophical essays” written by the romanian essayist Adrian Dumitru for FREE. 


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